Be sure you are running MaxMSP and not Max Runtime, the Runtime version will not allow you to edit patches. To create a new patch, go to File>New Patcher (Command+N / Ctrl+N). Dyskograf - a drawing based sequencer: Audio Interface with realtime video output Interactive projection mappingĭocuments in MaxMSP (I will be referring to it as "Max" going forward) are called "patchers", but you'll hear a lot of people refer to them as "patches". Jitter lets you manage video and graphics inside Max, so you can import data from a camera or create realtime visuals for your app. There is a third type of MaxMSP object that I won't have time to get into here, but once you've got Max and MSP down you should check out Jitter. Here are some examples of projects that use a combination of MaxMSP and Arduino to facilitate unique physical interactions: Robotic Drum Kit Noisy Jelly - Tangible Jelly synthesizer interface Musical Iron: Fine Collection of Curious Sound Objects (this actually uses Processing instead of Max, but it could be done with Max) Underwater - A realtime visualization of ocean data Some options (like Arduino2Max) allow you to read directly from the Arduino pins, and others rely on USB communication. There are a lot of ways to get Arduino and Max to talk (I will definitely be writing an Instructable about this in the future), including MIDI, Serial, and any of the options listed on the Arduino website. With the addition of Arduino, it's possible to extend your MaxMSP patches into the physical world. Here are some cool projects that use Max and the Kinect: Gestural instrument/Composition Little Boxes: interactive installation Arduino is a tiny computer that can be programmed to control circuits in all kinds of crazy-cool projects. Synapse allows you to track x, y, and z coordinates of each major joint of the body (head, elbow, hand, knee, etc). Data from the Kinect can be imported into MaxMSP through an application called Synapse. The XBox Kinect is a hackable depth sensing camera and gesture tracking device. Some examples of ReacTIVision and MaxMSP: An interactive dining table (by my friend Evan!): Table Top mixer: Interactive structure:Ĭhain reaction arpeggiator (I don't think this actually used reacTIVision, but it could): It was originally written for the ReacTable, a table top multitouch instrument:
The software tracks x and y position and rotation and it's great for incorporating real world objects into your MaxMSP patch and making table top interfaces.

There's tons of way to do this, here are a few: ReacTIVision is a free, open source tool that communicates with MaxMSP and allows you to track objects with a camera by printing out and attaching small paper markers on them. My favorite Max applications are the ones that incorporate some kind of hardware interface.

Here are some examples of awesome things you can do with Max. And "Jitter" is for graphics rendering and video manipulation. "MSP" deals with signal processing and audio. MaxMSP is split into several parts - "Max" handles discrete operations and MIDI, this is the easiest place to start getting familiar with the tool. ( Part 2 - intermediate MaxMSP) ( Part 3 - getting Max to talk to hardware) This Instructable is part of a 3-part workshop I'm running at Women's Audio Mission, it's part one of three Instructables that I'll be publishing over the course of the next week. MaxMSP is especially useful for building audio, MIDI, video, and graphics applications where user interaction is needed.

MaxMSP is a visual programming language that helps you build complex, interactive programs without any prior experience writing code.